Stephen Ian Savage

clarinetist ~ composer ~ teacher ~ producer


Dual city

A collaboration spanning Austin, Texas, Dual City started when Thor Harris, of Thor and Friends, tweeted a video of him and his neighbor, Antonio Richardson, jamming in a park in East Austin on a marimba and a plastic bucket drumset. When it came across my feed, it was too groovy to resist. I worked it into a song that then led to more jams and then more tracks, and thus Dual City was born.

Where you used to be

(Original Short Film Sountrack)

Years after her friend's death, a struggling writer lives as if her friend never left.

portraits & Landscapes

Originally intended to be a short EP, "portraits & landscapes" grew into a full album. It is a collection of various improvisations and compositions that I've created over the past year. The recordings themselves are lo-fi and have a raw aspect to them, reflective of the spontaneity of the environment in which they were created and the equipment I had access to at the time. The album itself evolved organically through experimentation with a finite amount of sonic material.

Ex Tempore

Ex tempore experiments with improvisation and composition played with and against electronics.
Through a large arch form, the work explores the self and the vast chasms of emptiness that we all encounter within and outside ourselves.